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More information is always better than less! As humans, we love to keep up with what’s happening. That way, we can react accordingly and adjust our expectations…
For Beth’s Growth Tips, Thoughts and News updates
More information is always better than less! As humans, we love to keep up with what’s happening. That way, we can react accordingly and adjust our expectations…
For Beth’s Growth Tips, Thoughts and News updates
Now is the perfect time to review your goals set at the beginning of the year.
Where has your business achieved some goals, but completely gone off track with others?
Step 1 – Review the goals you set
Assess whether your work tasks and goals are in alignment.
If you’re spending 80% of your workday on tasks that are unrelated to the goals you set, establish what you can prioritise or eliminate to reset your focus.
Step 2 – Measuring progress
Are your goals on schedule, ahead or behind?
On schedule –great, continue what you’re doing.
Ahead of schedule, look for where the goal may be adjusted toward a more ambitious target or timeline.
Behind schedule, ask ‘Why?’ Then perhaps divert resources to help the goals falling behind.
Step 3 – Set up a tracking system
If several of your goals are off track, implement a system where you can regularly monitor progress, and address any issues or obstacles that arise.
Some ways of doing this may be:
Have goals visible around the workplace as a reminder of what you and your team are working towards
Set a regular time aside to review goals and hold yourself accountable
Break big goals down into smaller, measurable, action steps
Step 4 – Reward progress
Celebrate the milestones. Morale and motivation will be boosted amongst the team. Acknowledge a job well done, or create a more formal rewards/incentive system, and remember how great we feel when our efforts are recognised.
Step 5 – Update and adjust goals
A lot can happen in 6 months and goals may need to be adjusted to reflect changing conditions.
However, aim for an outcome that still causes you to stretch.
If you’re not stretching, you’re not growing.
The object of a goal is growth, otherwise, you may as well write it on a ‘To-Do’ list!
If you need some motivation in goal setting or putting systems in place to monitor and review, feel free to reach out – we’d love to get you back on target